Chicken and Church

Chicken and Church

Once a week, several of our team members and volunteers go out to meet the ladies and bring them to a nearby KFC where we hold a Bible study with them. Currently, we are going through a discipleship book that covers the basics such as sin, salvation, repentance, obedience, baptism, etc. These sessions are some of our core times with the ladies where we share the gospel as well as build relationships.

One-on-one Discipleship

One-on-one Discipleship

As we see ladies in the Chicken and Church sessions who are really engaged and express an interest to exit prostitution, we begin to have individual meetups. Over coffee, we will hear their life story and begin to discern what it could look like for this woman to leave prostitution and receive the support that she needs.

Exiting Journey Assistance

Exiting Journey Assistance

Once a woman has committed to the exiting journey, we have her go through a local Work4ALiving program for 3 weeks which is followed up by a 6 to 9 month time in the Journey of Hope program at a partner organisation called Straatwerk. Straatwerk has been working with ladies on the street for decades, and their Journey of Hope program is comprehensive, biblical, holistic, and meant to prepare the women to exit prostitution in a healthy and sustainable way. Throughout this time, the ladies volunteer, receive occupational therapy and trauma counseling, get involved in a church, do some entrepreneurship, and receive one-on-one discipleship from our Butterfly team. After graduating JOH, we assist the ladies in finding a job skills training program and eventually work to sustain them. We support each woman with a small stipend and food parcels throughout this entire exiting process.